Today’s Challenge

9:20 am

  1. Practice Clean Fu
  2. Clean up the dining room table (manage the clutter)
  3. Start cleaning out the garage
  4. Take items to Wheeler Mission (
  5. Chillax

(I will report back later today on my progress…)

3:15 pm

  1. Done
  2. Done (mostly, few working items still on the table)
  3. Done (organized into junk and go-through piles)
  4. Might skip this today? We will see…
  5. Next up!

Feels good to make some progress. I think my son Caden was starting to go a little insane because we just stagnated for so long in a messy house.

11:51 pm

Really happy with my progress today. One day at a time…

Currently watching Dead & Company open their 2022 Summer tour via Makes me miss Anne like mad hell. She was my concert buddy. We were on the bus together for years and years.







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